Assistance With Your COR 2020 Certification
We Are a CORTM Registered Consulting Company with the IHSA.
The Health and Safety Advisors (HSA) will guide you through the development and implementation of COR 2020. We have certified 120 Construction Companies within the GTA (June 2024). Our 6-phase program outlines our implementation process.
COR 2020- Process Of Implementation- 6 Phase Program:
Phase 1: Comprehensive review of your Health and Safety Program.
Phase 2 A: Address gaps in Program. Development and implementation of the COR Program which consists of writing the required policies and procedures for COR Elements 1-14.
Each of the 14 Element are tested by the COR Audit Tool which consists of 181 requirements which needs to be incorporated into your Health and Safety Program. Additionally, the Audit Tool has Interview Questions that your Management and Workers will be asked during the External Audit.
Phase 2 B: A Management & Worker Interview Q & A Document will be developed based on your Health and Safety Program and scope of work.
Phase 3: COR Program Orientation: Job site roll-out and implementation of all COR documents at workplace and job sites.
Phase 3 B: Workplace/ Shop/ Yard/ Job Site MOL, COR Compliance Audit.
Phase 4: Guide you through the successful completion of the Internal Assessment.
Phase 5: Prepare you for your External Assessment.
Phase 6: Ongoing maintenance and continuous improvement of COR program for re-certification.